
In the company of heroes ffxiv how long ffxiv main scenario quests
In the company of heroes ffxiv how long ffxiv main scenario quests

With the expansion of the trust system allowing players to experience this content at their own pace, i feel a better plan would have been to keep these duties as they were, remove Main Scenario Roulette from the duty finder, and just firmly encourage players to either build their own groups or use the trust system. If there are still 10 unimportant cutscenes, it is going to be quite the annoying dungeon, with half as many players running around. but no other changes seem to have been announced. While all the changes for Castrum are not immediately available information, as far as i could find, i have heard that you will no longer be waiting on a certain npc to move through, and it will also be a 4-man duty. Though i am unsure if that will now be included in the roulette, much like the new trial for Prae is unclear It will now be a 4-man duty where you only clear up to Gaius followed by a trial for Ultima Weapon then the final fight will be a solo quest battle.Ĭape Westwind will also be a solo quest battle.

in the company of heroes ffxiv how long ffxiv main scenario quests

Prae will be split into three seperate sections.

in the company of heroes ffxiv how long ffxiv main scenario quests

So, for anyone whom had not heard, on the 12th, we will be losing Prae as we know it.

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    In the company of heroes ffxiv how long ffxiv main scenario quests